Kampala Baptist Church –
Connecting with Kampala Baptist Church (KBC) is foundational for this pastoral training ministry in Uganda. Pastor Andrew Mwenge and KBC leaders have a vision to train pastors across their country. Since 2009, in the Masaka and Oyam regions, more than 30 teaching sessions have been held for pastors and church leaders. The partnership is solid and considering how to expand to all Ugandan region with the Baptist Union of Uganda..
Bethel Grove Bible Church, Ithaca NY –
In June of 2014, after more than twenty-five years of pastoral ministry at Bethel Grove, Dave was commissioned to train pastors and church leaders in the Majority World. Bethel Grove shares a partnership with Kampala Baptist Church and fully supports the global ministry of Partnerships For Training Pastors in a variety of ways, including providing financial and prayer support for building Church Leaders Conferences.
West Congregational Church, Peabody, MA –
West Church has a special place in our hearts. It is the Church where Dave served part-time while attending Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1978-81. After graduating in 1981, a full time Associate Pastor’s position opened up at West and for seven additional years a close bond was forged with this congregation on the North Shore of Boston. Serving with Pastor Ralph Wetherington (now retired), these years were formative in developing a biblical vision of pastoral ministry. West Church began to support Partnerships For Training Pastors in January of 2015.
Mission Organizations
Choshen Farm, Zambia –
Located in Fimpulu Village and Mansa South District of Northern Zambia, Choshen Farm seeks to impact rural Zambia for Christ through relational encouragement, community development, and strengthening of the local church. One of their goals is to establish a series of pastor and church leader conferences for biblical teaching and leadership development. In 2015 – 2017, Dave joined Jeremy and Bethany Colvin for five Conferences on the theme Christ in the Old Testament. In March of 2018, Dave and Joyce completed that study by teaching the Wisdom Literature. In October 2018, we began a look at the Gospels and focused on Matthew and in March of 2019 we studied the Acts of the Apostles.
“Language and Culture Centre”, Kupang, West Timor
In May 2016, I traveled with Ben Grimes and other church leaders using local Timorese languages for promoting effective discipleship, church leadership development, and understanding of the Scriptures. A future opportunity to partner with the Centre is dependent on opportunities that open up through 2020.
Kerygma Consultants in Intercultural Communication
Kerygma Consultants partners with local organizations and mentors speakers from marginalized language communities to develop language-based programs which address social disadvantage stemming from low levels of literacy and education. Our partnership involves working with Kerygma Consultants to serve emerging church leaders of the GMIT Church in West Timor. Kerygma Consultants is a project under the New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
Language, Literacy, Life
by Diana Weber – Empowering indigenous people/communities through literacy, enriching through Scripture, energizing by a greater appreciation of their language and culture, and granting the esteem, dignity, and justice they so richly deserve. Our partnership is linked to the training of less-resourced Peruvian Quechua pastors through Pacha Waray’s outreach in the Huanaco region. LLL is a project under the New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
Teaching at Theological Colleges
Theological Faculty at Artha Wacana Christian University in Kupang, West Timor
In May of 2016, I was invited to give two lectures in an Old Testament class on Job and Proverbs, as well as a lecture in a Homiletics class on the subject “Preaching and the Preacher”. An Old Testament intensive course was taught in September and October of 2017 and a Seminar entitled “Pastoral Wisdom from the Wisdom Literature” was presented in May 2018. Several lectures were offered in June of 2019 and a scheduled trip in April of 2020 was cancelled due to the COVID -19 pandemic. Each year that Dave travels to West Timor, invitations to lecture at the University are given to work with young emerging leaders in the GMIT church.
Kampala Evangelical School of Theology –
Another avenue for pastoral training is a partnership with this theological institution in Kampala. In conversations with the school’s leadership, opportunities are available to teach one-week intensive courses as it fits the school’s calendar and Dave’s travel schedule. Preaching For Change courses were presented in 2014 and 2015. An open invitation stands for future teaching opportunities.
Scott Christian University, Machakos, Kenya –
In August of 2015, Dave taught a Pastoral Care for Church Workers course at Scott. This was the only opportunity to teach at the University.